GrowPac have a large range of environmentally sustainable packaging solutions that are both fit for purpose and environmentally friendly. Because packaging is primarily single use its important to think of the post use life of packaging as it can heavily impact the environment and the things living in it.

Can we curb our consumption of traditional packaging and turn towards a greener alternative?


For the consumption of greener packaging to become more widely used – consumer preference must change, so that people want to go out of their way to consume greener brands and products. We have seen a huge rise in this sort of sustainable attitude over recent years and already big shifts towards improving our consumption of unsustainable products.

Many companies have switched on to this and have started to make green changes. Many are promoting these changes and capitalising on this increase in demand for more sustainable business.

Please get in contact with us to discuss how we could help your business develop more sustainable practices.

Feel free to get in
touch with us any convenient way

3 Carmont Place, Mount Wellington
Business Phone
0800 GRO PAC ( 476 722 )

We’d be glad to
receive any of your questions via email

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